By Sam Adams

How does Fresh improve your dogs coat?

When our Loki was a puppy, he was unfortunate enough to grow a large boil on one of his back legs. This combined with his seasonal alopecia  meant we had to do some digging into how best to improve his coat and lovely Ridgeback fur.

The answer? Ensuring that Loki's diet was filled with essential fats & oils as well as his standard proteins. By including Salmon Oil in his diet as well as other Omega 3 & 6 rich foods we saw a great improvement in Loki's coat.

What is really interesting is how Loki's coat reacted when we had to change his diet so save money...within 3 days of going from a fresh homemade diet back to salty, processed kibble, Loki grew another boil on his leg! It's safe to say that we will never be going back to anything but hand cooked fresh dog food for Loki.


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